Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Simple basic about Automotive A/C - Part 2

This is part 2 of the basic for automotive air condition. In last post, i have talk bout Compressor and Compressor Clutch. So in this post, i will explain the use of Condenser and Condenser Fan.

After the compressor pump the refrigerant out from the compressor, the refrigerant will be very hot and is in gases state. This hot gases will then be pushed to condenser to cool down its heat so that it can be used to generate cold air.

On the left is Condenser and the right is Condenser fan (can also called as Cooling Fan)

Condenser as the name suggest, is use to cool the hot refrigerant through the mean of heat transfer. The hot gases refrigerant contain so much heat when it leave compressor, it will be gradually cool when it travel in the condenser fin.

The heat will be transfer to the surrounding air around the condenser using a condenser fan (can also called cooling fan). The fan will push the surrounding air so that the air travel through the condenser and carry the heat away from the condenser when the air leave the condenser. This will cool down the condenser and in the same time cool down the refrigerant inside the condenser.

Picture show how the heat leave the condenser

The hot gases refrigerant will be cool down and become warm liquid refrigerant when it leave the condenser. This liquid refrigerant will be use to produce cold air when it reach Evaporator.

Stay tune for my next part.

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